Saturday, March 30, 2013

Me Oh My

So I am 25 now.

Hanging out with an old friend is making me feel like I am changing a Lot./

I just dont care about things I used to. like going out and drinking to get drunk. 

I mean I can enjoy those things dont get me wrong but I uh. Well I feel the need to savor my time and use it to be productive. I have a passion and goals and I think hanging out with people who dont have those things really just makes me bored. the worst feeling is that of wasting time. I just cant stand the whole doing shots "im so wasted" "lets get fucked up" part of our culture. Escapism is raping us of real experiences.

I want to be around people that want to enrich their lives and become better than who they are.

thats what I am doing. thats where I am at in my life.

just more thoughts.

<3 br="">

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

i feel sick

I is a sick,

it makes me a sad

sick = sad.


i got the first round of the gaurdasil shots yesterday. GROSS. Everyone should get it, boys too. Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer.

ok I will go away now.
Also does anyone else notice the revival of the HIV virus in the media?

Something funny. I spoke to one of my roommates about the gaurdasil shot, and she was like "it hurts so bad" so for some reason I thought people received the shot in the vagina. and I was a bit worried about getting a vaginal shot. DUH! cuz that's weird. and also who would complain about a shot in the arm? I mean yeah it hurts a bit but, as young american adults we have spent the better half of our lives being poked with immunizations  My other roommate informed me that it was just in the arm and we had a big laugh about it.

so glad I don't have anxiety about shots in the arm. I do look away, but that because when I look at it I always get a bit of anticipation before it goes it, like some odd thought "Okay it is gonna hurt soon"

oh yeah I have had this cough for like 4's getting old.

if you don't know, do your research.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wet Pain


creepy title.

ok so, I am in an art show that recruited the artists by finding OK Cupid profiles from artists with one.

it is such a clever idea I really enjoy the concept. Because it is a dating art show. Theoretically, it would be a win/win for me, a person who had an OkCupid! and is an artist. right?

Except I have never used it for a date, or even gotten close to one. I am open to the idea, dont get me wrong but when push comes to shove, I haven't met anybody interesting enough to even see once or I suspect I am not ready at all to date. In fact, I would never even ask anybody on a date at this point in my life. I am way too self involved right now. A relationship with me would be one sided. that side would be wherever the garbage can was located.

So, I Rebeca Acosta have succeeded in getting an art show out of a dating website before attaining a date.

WTF ha. I think it's great, almost anomalous. I also think I may be fucking up the control of this social experiment. Whatever

shit happens and who knows I may find the love of my life.

the ability to be loved is just as important as being able to love. Just saying, dont touch me.

it would be cool if I could find out who reads this google stats say a couple peeps. Someone in Germany too

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dream Wars part 2

LockJaw dream:

I used to have this re-occuring dream that I couldnt open my mouth and that the muscles were so tight and I would try so hard to open my jaw but they would just tighten up more.

last week I had another dream.

anyways I looked up the word lockjaw and found a weird ass word origin

Locust Valley Lockjaw, an upper-class American accent.

pretty cool I wonder what it sounds like

just watch movies from the 1950's...........................there you go locust valley lockjaw

or this famous american author...

Sunday, March 3, 2013


There's that feeling of satisfaction

with ones life

with a days work

with a full heart.

sometimes I have that feeling