Wednesday, December 28, 2011



Monday, December 26, 2011

"You need a little less than what you take for granted"


Life persists to be annoying and complicated. My life always will be I have to get used to it so I can later call it interesting. Actually I love quite a lot but last week was action packed I did one of the three things it takes to be a true new yorker, now all i have to do is kill a roach with my bear hands and steal a cab from someone that needs it more than i do.

The "job market" <--- as informed by my putting it in quotes, is non-existent. I will still well apply my ass off. although last time I got called for interviews it was 2 months after I had applied and I got three calls. Thats a fucking long time and anyone that knows me well knows I am not the patient type. time to re-strategize....

in fact my rules as follows includes the above mentioned:
1. No waiting
2. No sharing of things that I can barely afford for myself
3. When I say "no" I mean it so dont ask me again or I reserve the right to BE AN ASSHOLE!

Lets just say that these rules dont apply to close friends... most times the "no" rule is pretty much for everyone. only because I say no only when i truly mean it.

I just looked at the available jobs to apply to and found myself in a well snake pit of things I dont want to do.

If I am already doing things I sorta like why the fuck should settle.... I shall not,.

emphasis on 'sorta' in sorta like.
haha omg i used sorta instead of sort of, i am already starting to figure out why the job market is shallow for me. I am a picky illiterate "sunavabitch"

well I am boring myself arent I?
UPDATE : status quo
OUTDATE: my fashion
DEbATE: my life
ReBATE: what verizon didn't send me
DUE DATE: soon.
ESCALATE: the situation!